
Avda Gregorio Prieto nº 27, escalera 3, 1º-1 -29010 Málaga

Tel. 0034 952 600 139
Fax 0034 670 668 871

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Polona Business Center, 68-72 Polona Str., Reception 1, 4th floor, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania

Tel. 0040 371 029 839
Fax 0040 372 009 031

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Diploma in Business Studies.
Member of the Illustrious Bar Association of Málaga. Licence no. 1773

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(Mandatory Court Representative - Procuradora)

Member of the Illustrious Mandatory Court Representative Association of Málaga.

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Specialist in Civil and Family Law.
Member of the Illustrious Bar Association of Málaga. License no. 1766.
Bachelors´ Degree in Canon Law.
Diploma in Marketing and Commercial Management by the I.T.E.E.

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